Thursday, February 19, 2009

Broadway Prime (San Mateo, CA)

What better way to say 'happy valentines day' to your special someone then a perfectly cooked medium rare prime rib. At Broadway Prime you get simple elegance, a cozy inviting atmosphere. The bustling bar filled with happy couples waiting to chow down on mouth watering prim rib... The Select Cut.. the most popular cut on the menu.
The perfect baked potato... fatty dollop of sour cream and chives.. I'm one happy girl.
The Select Cut English style... makes it less intimating. To bad I couldn't even dent half the dish.
A nice touch to the night was every lucky lady that was brought to this hot spot got to a lovely red rose... brownie points for the guys.

1 comment:

  1. geezums.... that is a lot of steak... damn that looks good. haha
